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If you have even one person you can truly trust and rely on, no matter how often you get stabbed in the back, you don’t get that hurt- Chae Young Shin

Healer DramaNumber of episodes:
Year of Broadcast: 2014-15
Broadcast Network: KBS
Plot source: MyDramaList

Seo Jung Hoo is so-called “errand boy”. For a relevant price he may complete any task, only if it’s not connected with murder. Under Healer’s mask he had run foul of some organizations that now strive to catch him, however no one knows who he really is. He can count on older woman’s help, genius hacker responsible for the technical part of their job. One of his tasks is closely connected to one girl, Chae Yeong Shin, second rate tabloid reporter. She starts to have an interest about Healer when he tries to get close to her, which results in the discovery of their common past..
T  H  O  U  G  H  T  S

This review will be short (well the actual Healer thoughts bit). I have been away from the blogosphere for so long that I’m not confident of my ability anymore (lol).

The reason why I am even bothering with a short review is of how much I adore/love Healer. It felt like a crime not to let my blog have any Healer-lovin.

The thing is, my officemate was bugging me to watch Healer back when it was still airing. She and my other officemates were all going gaga about the show (and its couple) and never once was I influenced. What’s funny was I was even the one supplying them with the episodes (I’m the official “Kdrama DL-er”, even if I’m not into dramas for a while) and up until I started watching (this month), Healer has been sitting on my laptop/external HD. What made me watch is the impending showing of it in my country.

I tell you, three or four episodes in, I gave up. It was only two weeks after that when I seriously began watching again. And even during that time I did not finish it in one sitting. Why, how, what?!

Healer (20)

Let me explain. During the first three/four episodes, I did not find any attachment towards the story and its lead. I was thinking, why did my friends go crazy over Healer/Jeong Hoo when I found Munho more appealing? It wasn’t until Healer rescued Young Shin from the thugs that I began to seriously love the show. And the reason why I did not finish it in one sitting is because I don’t want to say goodbye to Ji Chang Wook’s awesomeness.

Fate, destiny, I believe in that kind of stuff. If it didn’t exist, why would words for it exist.

Healer (9)

Once I found the connection that I was looking for in Ji Chang Wook, the madness never stopped. I am irrevocably inlove with the guy. His portrayal of Healer and Park Bong Soo caught me hook, line, and sinker. The man is totally adorable and such a great actor (no kidding). I have tried watching Empress Ki before and I like his character more than Joo Jin Mo’s but a few episodes in, I gave up and never tried looking for any info on him.

Healer (25)

Fast forward to Healer. Three reasons why I love Healer: Ji Chang Wook, his chemistry with Park Min Young, and Ji Chang Wook. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Putting my love for him aside, moments with him and Young Shin (Park Min Young) were totally off the charts. The reason why I was always looking forward with the episodes is to see him wearing his love on his sleeves for her (with Eternal Love playing in the background). Damn. Can someone direct me to a guy like him?

Healer (12)

Healer would have been perfect all throughout but the intensity kinda went down in the last few episodes (intensity = Bongsoo x Youngshin moments). I wish the last episode wasn’t the last and there will be an extra one just to stretch what happened in the end more. It felt rushed :(. Anyway, thinking back, I’m still happy that I got to watch Healer and discover my love for Ji Chang Wook (he replaced So Ji Sup as my #1 oppa).

Rating:   45coffee

Ji Chang Wook rating: 10+++ stars